Saturday, January 7, 2017

pick up site changes

New Pick Up Sites and Changes!
In case you haven't noticed them, we have additional pick up sites available. Please read through the following to see if there may be a more convenient pick up site for you. We are striving to accommodate our member's needs, and we greatly appreciate your support of the co op!
Highlands location: This site has changed to be listed as Barnum/Highlands, address is 149 South Julian Street. Denver, CO 80219
Aurora: We are happy to provide a pick up site in Aurora again! Address is 16241 E. Alabama Dr. Aurora, CO 80017.
Loveland: Address is 5160 Brandywine Dr. Loveland, CO 80538
Additional Littleton/Highlands Ranch site: 8736 W. Ottawa Ave
Littleton, CO 80128
We hope these changes make shopping with the co op even more convenient! Don't forget when you refer a friend who joins the High Plains Food Coop family, you receive a $10 credit on your next order! Thank you again for your support!
Mark you calendar for January 28, 2017.  HPFC's annual Greet-Eat-Meet will be held that day!  Watch our Facebook page and your e-mail updates for more details.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Farm to Table dinner Coming This Summer

High Plains Food Coop will be hosting a farm to table dinner​​ later in the season in order to offer ​a more bountiful plate. Harvest time will be in full swing and there will be amazing choices from both gardens and pastures!
In the meantime​,​ be sure to attend our annual ​G​reet​-Eat​-Meet on Saturday afternoon January 28th​ at the Dahlia Campus for Wellness​. This year all of the business ​(voting, status updates, etc.) ​will be conducted online ​which will allow more time for our members to get acquainted with our farmers and sample their products at the ​g​athering. The order cycle will be open and memberships will be available so bring your friends and introduce them to healthy, delicious food.