Monday, March 13, 2017

Check out the duck eggs!

Chicken eggs are pretty much the standard for the majority of us all around the world.  Duck eggs are a bit harder to buy because they do take a little more work to find for sale on a regular basis since ducks lay eggs seasonally.  Ducks have a laying season that can range from around 35-40 weeks per year, which contributes to duck eggs being considerably less popular and more expensive per dozen than their hen-made counterparts.  There are other benefits that make them worth considering.
As a general rule of thumb, duck eggs are almost twice as big as chicken eggs.  They have nutritional content that is proportionally greater as well.  Their yolks are also far bigger than chicken eggs, and they contain more albumen, or the gooey substance that produces egg whites.  The egg whites from ducks produce meringues with tremendous volume.  The additional albumen also helps to prevent damage to the yolks, which makes them less-likely to break when cracking or cooking the egg.

Due to the large size of the yolk, a couple of duck eggs provides us with
a good amount of omega-3 fatty acids, proteins and good cholesterol.  They also have a high fat content, which translates into more carbohydrates that can provide an energy boost.  These carbs are also the good kind that burn more slowly than sugar, starches or grains.
Best of all, duck eggs are a little bit richer and flavorful, with deep-colored yolks and more translucent whites. In terms of handling, storage and preparation, you can follow the same steps that you would with chicken eggs. 
People who have allergic reactions to chicken eggs can often eat duck eggs with no problem.  Although they may cost a bit more than "regular" eggs, you may find the price is well worth difference. Give duck eggs a try for yourself.